The gospel is the basis of all our projects. We want to live by faith and show our faith by the works we do. Join us as we spread the message of the kingdom of God through service to humanity.
Through our Support - a - Pastor program, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the lives of pastors and their families. Many churches in Nigeria cannot afford to pay their Pastor an adequate allowance, one of our key areas of focus here at Radiant life, is to aid church growth by supporting Pastoral work. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand as we enlarge God's kingdom here on earth.
Jesus gave all believers the commission to go tell the world the gospel message. It is our responsibility to let the world know about the saving grace of Christ. At Radiant Life, we want to join other believers in spreading the gospel of Christ. Join us.
How can we help you lay hold on that for which Christ took of you?? Our Pastors are equipped to mentor other ministers achieve their God's given mandate. We can support you and your church teams via our F2F training and workshops. Book a time with us for a life changing encounter with God. You can also join our conferences for a life changing encounter.
"And pray always with all manner prayer and supplication in the spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints (Ephesians 6:8)
That's what we do
1st -3rd of every month 11pm GMT + 1
JOINS US - Zoom; Whatapp: Goggle Meet. GOD STILL ANWERS PRAYERS.