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When You Need to Fight


There are several times in life when we must fight to get what belongs to us or what we just need to get. Those times you just need to fight. My mum always says good things does not come easily; you’ve got to go all the way to get it. Sometimes we fight for career success; we fight for children academic achievement, we fight to stay in shape, we fight for good health, we fight to have a great marriage. Yes, we fight to have a great marriage. Great marriages do not just happen; couples work hard on it. You need to work hard to get your dream marital bliss. This article will attempt to help you see a few things you can do to get the happiness you desire.

Fight to be a great partner

Marriage will be great when couples have the right skills for a successful marriage. Skills such as communication, financial management, parenting, sexuality, and home management. What skills do you lack, or can you improve? Please work on it. Working on it will give you a better marriage which will, in turn, give you a good life. Be true to yourself choose a skill and work on it, then another. Being a great partner is one step to getting the best out of your marriage. There is a skill you can work on, kill that pride and work on it. You will be glad you did.

Fight to make your partner exceptional

Help your partner become better. With tact tell your spouse where you need them to adjust and be better. Never give up on your spouse but pray! With God’s supernatural power, your spouse will be better. Don’t nag them, but be gentle, hopeful and persevere knowing the end you desire. Work with your spouse as they develop the needed skills to make your relationship better.

Fight with prayers to get what you deserve

You deserve a great marriage; you deserve love and affection; you deserve godly children; you deserve romance and beauty; you deserve good health. Fight for it in prayers. Prayer works wonders. I know you have prayed severally and think there are no results, but there are. Jesus is alive and is interceding for us. Please keep praying God will come to your rescue. “And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly” Lk 18: 6-8a. Be persistent you will get what you deserve.

Find something positive in your spouse and celebrate them for it

Everybody has something unique, special, and good in them. There is something great and unique about your spouse, you know it, celebrate them for it. Everyone is motivated when they are celebrated, and your spouse is not an exemption.

Your marriage is worth fighting for divorce is devastating. It affects every family member, both nuclear and extended. Everyone feels the negative impact, including children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, friends, and in-laws. Instead of separation or divorce, fight for your marriage. The blessings of fighting outweigh the disappointments of a divorce.

I believe God can rescue any marriage, especially with two willing partners, but I also believe He can with only one willing partner. Make up your mind to bring out the best in your marriage and do not give up. Satan wants your marriage to fail. If you do not fight for your marriage to succeed, satan will fight to get it to fail. It pays to win rather win than let the devil win. In what areas of your life are you currently letting the devil win? Take it no more, “But when you grow restless, you shall break his yoke from your neck (Gen 27: 40b). “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds: (II Cor10:5). Take it no more in prayers. Take it no more by developing the right skills and helping your spouse develop the needed skills as well.

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